Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Alberta Tar Sands

Blog Reflection: What future would you like to see for the Alberta Tar Sands project? Continue current path? Stop development entirely? Some modified continuation?

Land degredation at the Alberta Tar Sands.

The Alberta Tar Sands, and oil drilling in any form in general, can not be the way of the future. The negative effects on the environment are huge. They impact air quality, strip and destroy the land, pollute the water systems, destroy wildlife habitat, disrupt and threaten the animals, and the input of energy (natural gas) to keep the refineries running is huge. There are also many social issues concerning humans- the lifestyle is far from ideal with the constant moving, drugs and alcohol abuse, high cost of living, poor housing, and isolation from friends and families. But regardless of all these horrible consequences that come from drilling/refining oil, there is one that should be convincing for everyone... whether they care about the environment or not. The reason we need to stop development is that the oil simply will not last. It is just not sustainable; it WILL eventually run out. To me it makes absolutely no sense to continue to put money, time, and resources into something you know will not last. All those resources should be put into developing sustainable forms of energy, changing our development style (for cities etc.), and our lifestyles.

I discussed this issue with a few of my cousins and Aunts and Uncles at our family supper we have every Sunday. Everyone seems to agree that the environmental and social issues are serious. They also all agreed that developing new kinds of renewable energy sources is a good idea. But my Uncle John and Uncle Mike mentioned that shutting down the tar sands would be bad economically and many jobs would be lost, so it really wouldn't be an easy thing to do. These seem like some major reasons why people would object to stopping development of the tar sands. But again, I think we have to get our heads around the fact that it really doesn't matter...those jobs WILL be lost someday whether we like it or not...either we close it voluntarily, or are forced to close because we've run out of oil. Shouldn't we do the smart thing and start our transition right now? There will be more jobs and money generated by the development and research!

Our world without oil (or at least greatly reduced consumption of it) means a lifestyle that is not dependant on cars. I now have experience with this as I gave up my car in October 2009 for 3 reasons: to save money, to stay healthy and get more exercise, and to help the environment. It has definitely been a success, and I see no reason why close to 100% of people living in the city couldn't adapt to this kind of lifestyle change given the proper development of the city and attitude! The goal should be to have all necessities within walking or short busing distance: grocery store, drug store, some restaurants, entertainment, gym, workplace, etc. But our cities have not been set up this way. Linden Woods and other developments like it have horrible bus systems and no ammenities around for long distances. Changing and redesigning this kind of neighborhood should be a priority for all cities. Our attitudes need to change as well. It feels so good now that I remember what my legs are really for. Nope, they're not for pressing down on the gas pedal...they're for running, walking, jumping, skating, dancing, swimming, cartwheeling, and everything in between! A life without dependance on oil (and cars) feels free and wonderful and healthy, and I'm optimistic that once people give it a chance and get used to it, they will love it!

The future of the Tar Sands is non-existant if you look far enough. Our future won't end with it, so we need to start preparing for that now! The transition doesn't have to be painful if we embrace a new "normal" and start to enjoy all the benefits it brings.

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